Saturday, December 28, 2019

Move And Go As You Grow

Have you ever been picked first?  In your mind you might think, I am glad I am not

the worst.  Have you ever been picked last? Jesus picks people who are willing to serve

Thank God He doesn’t give us all what we deserve

They don’t have to be good at anything and he doesn’t care about their past

When James and John were called, they had to get out of their fishing boat and leave all behind

They followed Jesus off to a new life but of a different kind

Following Him they became fisher of men

How is this possible?  How is this done?

First, begin to follow by making up your mind to leave your old life behind

Just let go, let God be in control. Take your first step forward and move, get in God’s grove

Second, let transformation start to happen

For Christ to move you forward, you must leave where you have been

Then get to know Jesus better each day by reading His Word and then obey

Talk to God each day as you pray

Be accountable by joining a group and stay, that’s God’’s way

As His Living Water is poured in, don’t take control again

Just let all that isn’t of God float to the top

As you get more mature in Christ, they will drop out of your life and stop

Third, do something! Let His voice sound through you

Let it ring clear in all you think, see, say, and do

Let Jesus make you new

Lionel Copyright 2018

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

               Live To Serve

Whatever you do, do it for God’s glory

Whatever you do, through you, let God tell His story

Our assignment comes from our Father’s throne

As it consumes us, it will become our own

To be a disciple to your brother, we must love one another

To serve and help by showing them God’s success

Then God will help them get out of life’s mess

To live His truth, so all have an opportunity to see

Oppressed people set free

To address human pain, disease and poverty

To address spiritual death and the separation from God for all eternity

We might not do it all perfectly right, but if always keep God in sight,

You will bring glory to Him both day and night

And when you finish the work He gave you to do, you will be taken into the sky and get to see all things become new

Lionel Copyright 2017

Monday, November 25, 2019


My quiet voice says, come to me all who are mine

Don’t be deceived by your enemies one more time

My holy whispers of love are inviting you to draw near

Filling you with love, joy, peace, and strength as it casts out all fear

I continually call you to closeness with me

I can feel your emptiness as you wonder away you see

Come to me and open yourself to my loving presence so I can feel you

Giving you all you need to accomplish what I want you to do

You are the light of the world, the children of the day

Go out and do my work, receive your heavenly pay

When you get tired, weary and weak remember, I do my best work

With the humble and the meek

It is not by your might or power

It is by my spirit that you grow and blossom into a beautiful flower

Come to me, I am yours for all eternity

I will sift you and fill you with my purity

Come to me, I am the one who is and was and is to come

I died for everyone, not just for some

Come to me, I am the same yesterday, today and forever

Once you receive my love, I will never leave you, no never

Come to me

Lionel  Copyright 2017

Wednesday, November 6, 2019


You thought you found it but it failed you

You thought you found it but it didn’t satisfy you

You had the money but it wasn’t enough

You had the power but it wasn’t enough

You had the perfect job but it wasn’t enough

How come it is never enough

Perhaps you are looking at the wrong it

Perhaps there is only one it

This it does not want you to control it

It wants to live in you

I am the Bread of Life, eat it and you will never be hungry

Fill yourself with it and you will finally be free

I am the fountain of life, drink from it and you will never thirst

Fill yourself with it and you will finally be free

I Am It      I Am Jesus      I am the way, the truth, and the life

Believe in me and you will find it

Receive me and you will have it

I Am Jesus    I Am It   

Lionel copyright 2018

Thursday, October 17, 2019

           Holy Spirit Save Me!

Holy Spirit give me strength to conquer my desire to sin

Holy Spirit give me your words that fill me deep from within

Holy Spirit give me courage to not let the regrets of yesterday stop my dreams of tomorrow

Holy Spirit you tell me they will only make me weak and fill me with sorrow

Holy Spirit may my tragedies and tribulations not become my identity

Holy Spirit help me be all you know I can be

Holy Spirit don’t allow any season of mouring to turn into a lifetime of mouring

Holy Spirit may those things grow my trust, because for me to move forward they must

Holy Spirit strengthen me from the inside out

Holy Spirit wash me clean and quench those coals of doubt

Holy Spirit let me feel your strong force pulling me out of the dark

Holy Spirit let the truth of your Word find it’s Holy Mark

Lionel   Copyright 2017

Thursday, October 10, 2019

              His Helping Hand

 Though we stumble we will not fall, the Lord upholds us with His hand

He will hold us up so we can stand

Your heart may fail but God is the strength of your heart forever

He will never leave you no never, never, never

You will rejoice like a child with your favorite toy

For he will fill your mouth with laughter and your lips with shouts of joy

You O Lord, you are our refuge and our stronghold in times of trouble

For when we hold on to Him, we don’t fall or stumble

You O Lord, turn our darkness into light

You never leave us, we are always in your sight

You don’t willingly allow affliction or grief to the children of men

It is your way to make us strong, so we can fight against our sin

You are our shield, the horn of our salvation and our stronghold

You are more precious than anything on earth, even the purest of gold

Because of our sin against you, we should bear your wrath

But Jesus payed for our sin, now our life has a different path

You brought us into the light so we now see your righteousness

You are now our guiding light, no more living in our darkness

You tell us these things so that in you we may have peace

Leaving our old life behind, feeling your wonderful release

Lionel   Copyright 2017

Thursday, September 26, 2019

                        Hate, Hate, Hate

I hate that word

Love your enemies and do good to them

Haven’t you heard, then it will go well with you

For love conquers all, the small and the tall

Let all those situations cause you to grow

Remember, you always reap what you sow

Go in the Lord’s power with a smile on your face

Do it all for God’s glory with His covering of grace

This world has enough sadness without all the hate

So, let God’s love, joy, and peace fill you, opening up your soul’s stubborn gate

Your life will change, in fact, you will feel great

So, let love in; let it be your soul mate not all that hate

Lionel copyright 2017

Saturday, September 14, 2019

                Coming Soon

Enoch prophesied that the Lord is coming to execute judgement upon all.

So, be ready and open your ears for His promise call

He will come in the clouds and every eye shall see Him

So, keep your hope strong and don’t let them grow dim

He shall descend from heaven with a shout

He is coming, he is coming, have no doubt

With the voice of the archangel and the trumpet of God

He will appear with His severing rod

The dead in Christ shall rise first

From out of their graves they will burst

The rest that are His, will be raised up to meet their Lord in the air

He will then give them robes of white for all to wear

A new heaven and a new earth will then appear

No more pain or sorrow or tears and no more fear

Soon we will see Him face to face

For all eternity to live in His love, mercy and grace

Lionel Copyright 2017

Wednesday, August 28, 2019


At His command the waves became calm

At His command the sick were healed by a Holy balm

He offered living water to the woman at the well

He offered words of life with the parables He would tell

He had them tell John the dead were raised and the blind could see

He had them tell John in His own words it is really me

The Pharisees saw all He had done and still didn’t believe

The ones who hear what He has done are forgiven as they repent and receive

How can it be He preached love and peace instead of war

How can it be when one hears or reads His Word they can turn away and not want more

When we leave this world, there is only one question we will be asked

When we appear before God, He will see through everyone’s mask

Then every knee will bow, and tongue will confess

Then all who believe will finally arrive at God’s wonderful address

Lionel Copyright 2017

Monday, August 19, 2019

                 Being Filled

Invite the Lord in to have His way

Invite the Holy Spirit into your life to stay

This is done by making God your deepest desire

Then let His Holy Spirit set your life on fire

Surrendering to Him is a definite must

His Holy Spirit will become more powerful in you the larger your faith and the more you trust

Trying to make it through life all on your own

Even though you succeed for a while, in the end you will find you are all alone

God has a definite plan and has His work for you to do

Ask each day for the filling of His Holy Spirit and then enjoy what He can do through you

Be awed by the power and the glory of His Spirit within

With the Holy Spirit residing in you, your live will be a win win

Lionel   Copyright 2017

Thursday, July 18, 2019

A Son Is Born

Father we are overwhelmed at the birth of your Son

We wait with great expediency at what is to come

The Word was made flesh and dwelt among all mankind

No great love from God our savior could any person find

The glory of the only begotten of the Father full of truth and grace

God was manifest in the flesh to meet the world face to face

The angel told Mary that Jesus would be His name

He will raise the dead, give sight to the blind, and heal the lame

He sent His son to be the payment for our sin

Then He could live through us and we could live through Him

For unto us a child is born, and unto us a Son is given

Jesus holds the only key to free us from our earthly prison

There is no other name under heaven whereby we can be saved

So, sing songs of rejoicing, our freedom has been given, we are no longer enslaved

Lionel copyright 2017

Friday, July 5, 2019

           A Prisoner With Hope

Don’t live in anger, resentment and bitterness, live in hope.

Don’t magnify your problems until they take away your joy.

Live in hope.

Zechariah states that God will bring you out with twice what you had before.

So don’t keep score, because God will restore with two times more.

He will never waste anything that you go through.

Give it all to God and let Him be glorified in all you think, say, and do.

Don’t worry, let go, enjoy being in His care.

Don’t fear the future, He is already there.

Read His Word and pray, then experience His presence anyplace.

Being filled with hope, which will flow freely from His throne of grace.

 Lionel Copyright 2017

Saturday, June 8, 2019

                 A New Life

The Lord is in control and is coming back soon

This gives me hope as I sing those gospel tunes

I don’t know who you are or where you have been

But if your heart has been convicted,

turn to God and give him yourself and your sin

His Holy Spirit will enter you and never let you go

Let His healing and cleansing water enter you and flow and flow

Light up the world as His holy water flows out of your soul

Let His healing and cleansing water touch others as it goes

Then you can walk through your new life being God’s light as you go

Spreading His seed as He provides the food and water for it to grow

Wouldn’t it be better to receive God now and avoid His eternal fire

Give your life to the Lord now and prove the enemy a liar

Lionel  Copyright 2017

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

                  What’s At Stake?

Jesus, Jesus, saved me.  Yes! Jesus, Jesus, saved me.

He took my sins to His cross where He died to pay my cost.

Yes Jesus, Jesus saved me

He rose from the dead and creation began to sing

Oh, death where now is they sting

Yes, Jesus, Jesus saved me

He went back to heaven to intercede

Now He hears my every prayer and knows my every need

Yes, Jesus, Jesus saved me

God so loved us all He sent His Son to save us

He laid down His life and took it up just so we could have forgiveness

I received His Gift into my life now I have eternal life

Yes, Jesus, Jesus saved me

I now tell others what He did for me

I want the whole world to see that Jesus, Jesus saved me

Jesus, Yes, Jesus can save you too

Give Him your sin and let Him come in and make you new

Let Jesus, Yes let Jesus save you

It’s the most important decision you will ever make

Yes, let Jesus save you, your eternity in heaven is at stake

Lionel   Copyright 2017

Friday, May 17, 2019

             Wake Up and Hold On

God’s people wandered in the desert for forty years

Instead of receiving a place of abundance and freedom and crossing over among all the cheers

If we will just keep a right attitude, we won’t wander our lives away like a stiff-necked brood

He expects an attitude of faith and hope

Not living our lives and complaining like some spoiled dope

Try to fit everything into a pattern for good

Grab onto what is holy, pure, and right, letting go of all falsehood

Begin with where you are now in this time and space

Ask Jesus to surround you with His peace, mercy and grace

Let Him guide you through each step of your way

Will you have some troubles, sure, but He will be with you each and every day

Remember, He is above our problems, our pain, and the events that take place

We will rise above our circumstances when we live in His loving embrace

Lionel  Copyright 2018

Saturday, April 20, 2019


His mercy picks us up when we fall on our side

He puts us on His wings like an eagle and takes us on his ride

He leads us through life according to His holy plan

As you glorify Him always having a hold of his hand

Have patience, your victory will soon arrive

God is always with you, you will survive

It could be in a year or it could be tomorrow

God is at work arranging an end to your sorrow

So, keep your faith strong and remember hope is a must

God is in charge and in His timing you must trust

Lionel  copyright 2018

Monday, April 8, 2019

                          Your Choice to Make

    HATE    HATE    HATE

I hate that word.

Love your enemies and do good to them.

Haven’t you heard, it will go well with you then?

For love conquers all, the small and the tall.

Let all situations cause you to grow.

Remember you always reap what you sow.

Go in the power of the Lord with a smile on your face.

Do it all for God’s glory with His covering of grace.

This old world has enough sadness without all that hate.

So, let God’s love fill you, opening-up your souls suborn gate.

Your life will change, the minute you start.

In fact, you will feel great.

So, let love in.  Let it be your soulmate, not all that hate.

Lionel copywrite   2017

Thursday, March 14, 2019

            Release Yourself

Do you enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season

Living for yourself, your power, your ego

and oh yes that other reason

Remember pride goes before the fall

Isn’t it time you heard your savior’s call

For then the spirit of the glory of God will rest upon you

No more struggle for pride, ego and power

For he will make you all new

Christ will change your old body to be fashioned like His own

He will give you a heart of flesh to replace your heart of stone

So, release yourself over to His mercy and grace

You will then have His power for everything you face

Say yes for what He did for you at the cross

If you don’t, it will be for you and eternal loss

Lionel  Copyright 2017

Saturday, February 16, 2019

Passed On To Heaven

Lullaby and good night, it’s time to close your eyes and give up your fight

Soon you will see heaven’s gate and God’s marvelous light

Angel’s in heaven will be standing near

Waving you in as they cheer

You fought the good fight and the battle is won

It is time to enter His Gates and partake in heavenly fun

His love will unfold in the radiance of His Glory

Providing you with an eternal start for the rest of your story

His complete peace will finally be achieved

Because throughout your life you truly believed

It will last forever, time there never ever runs out

Never again will there be tears or pain, never again will you doubt

So, smile and cheer your savior is here

Bask in His radiance, he will now always be near

Lionel Copyright 2018

Friday, February 8, 2019

Our Curse Is Broken

Can you see?  Can you see? 

Christ became a curse for you and me

For cursed is everyone who is hung on a tree

He can now help you break the curses of your past

It will take your perseverance and your willingness, then with His help,

Those cures won’t last

He who is in us is greater than he who is in the world, so give a cheer

As we worship and praise Him, you will feel His power as he draws near

We are more than conquers boldly declare to all

Then watch all those curses disappear one by one as they fall

God takes those dead curses and puts them in the back of his hearse

We are blessed for God won’t allow us to be a curse

They will be carried away never to be found

He is able, for it says the King of Kings on His crown

Trials and tribulations will always be there

But with Christ in you there has never been a stronger pair

With His love, joy, peace and patience you will be sealed

As you accept them with all your heart and mind,

Your soul will become healed

Lionel Copyright 2018

Saturday, January 19, 2019

                 No Not One

If you say you have not sinned, then God’s Word says you are a liar

Admit your sin, turn it over to God, let Him be your heart’s desire

For all have sinned and fall short of His glory

But thankfully God tells us that’s not end to our story

For Who is a God like unto thee, you pardon our inequity and set us free

You delight in mercy and cast our sins into the depths of the sea

Because your Son paid the price for our sin when He died on that tree

Because of your loving mercy you remember our sins no more

Thank you, Jesus for leaving your riches and coming down for us and becoming poor

For the blood of Jesus cleanses us from all sin

Believe this and let Christ work through you to do more than you ever imagine

Lionel Copyright 2017

Sunday, January 6, 2019

               My Way or His

How long will thou hide thy face from me, how long?

How long shall I sing this sad song

Patience is a virtue that requires a lot of wait.

The Lord’s timing is already figured into your fate.

If you do it your way, the end might be something you hate.

Wait upon the Lord and in the end, it will turn out great.

Are you one who says, the Lord has forgotten me.

Trust in the Lord for He said, I will not forget thee

For the trial of our faith has great reward, remember hope, patience, and faith makes a strong three strand cord

When the heart is overwhelmed, lead me to the rock that is higher than I

Then with patience, hope and your faith, turn it all over to your rock

And wave good-bye

Trust in the Lord and lean not on your own understanding

No matter how tough life gets or how demanding

In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight

His word is telling us over and over to let God be our soul mate

Will all of your troubles then be gone?  No, some will still be there

But remember, God will always be with you, he will always care

Let Him be with you and make you strong

Or do it your way in your strength and in the end you will know if you were right or wrong

Lionel Copyright 2017