Sunday, December 30, 2018


                       ALL THINGS NEW
        On January first, the year will be new.  Maybe it is time to wake up 
and see life from a different point of view.  Is it time to enlarge your vision and see what God has for you?  He is a big God and has big and new things for you to do.
Our days are numbered, for some many and for others just a few.  So don't skip spending time with God whatever you do.  For He always wants the best for you.

                 This new year let Jesus go before you and be with you, He will not fail you.
So, go find Jesus, pursue, pursue, pursue.  When you find Him, stick to Him like glue.
Trust in the Lord and this year let your life's song be renewed.  Then as the year changes, so will you.  If 2018 was a dark, gray hue, let 2019 become a refreshing and glorious shade of sky blue.  Praise God, there is hope, and a Happy New Year to You! 

Tuesday, December 4, 2018


Is Christmas about Reindeer pulling a sleigh around that contains a fictional man with a bearded face?

Or is Christmas about a man lifted up on a cross being pulled there by his love  and grace?

A fictional man giving presents to all.

Or the Son of God giving the gift of salvation to those who receive His call?

One has to agree that Santa is a lot of fun.

But Christmas is really about Jesus and all He has done.

Santa yells for his reindeer to go up, up and away.

Jesus tells us to give of ourselves until he comes back someday.

To the children of God love, joy, and peace will be among the many gifts they will find.

But with Santa’s gifts, you will find they won’t pass the test of time.

Christmas is truly about Christ who gave Himself to be put on the cross.

It was done as a gift to save the lost.

Christmas is a time for God to fill you with His love, joy and peace.

Then hopefully, those battles in you and around you can for several days cease.

So, this Christmas, please think about what Christ did for you.

Then allow Him to move into your heart with the gift of making you new.

Our fictional Santa is a nice thought no doubt.  

But isn’t Christ and His gift of sacrifice what Christmas is about?

So, as I say a bedtime prayer and turn out the light, I will also say

Merry CHRISTmas to all and have a blessed night.          Lionel Copyright 2018

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Love Is Sacrifice, Mercy and Grace

You are in the middle of the street

And a speeding car rounds the corner and is coming right at you

There is no where to go, you are frozen in your steps and there is nothing you can do

Then someone is pushing you out of the way, you feel relieved, you will now survive this day.  You look up and see your father get hit and he dies in your place.  This is loved expressed in sacrifice, mercy and grace

You could look up and see a total stranger as he pushes you aside out of danger.  You survive  and he dies in your place This is love expressed in sacrifice, mercy and grace

Our Father in heaven sent His Son to save us all

For we were all standing in that street since our fall.  That speeding car is eternal death, it hits us all at our last breathe.  You could have heard of the Father sending His Son to save you from that car or it might be you might not have heard of either one thus far.  The Bible says your heavenly Father has His hand on your shoulder and your replacement has been sent.  All He asks is you believe and receive in the One He has sent and repent.

This kind of sacrifice, mercy and grace for you is probably new

A sacrificial love that is willing to give their live for you 

But love is patient and kind not wiling to leave anyone behind

When you are pushed aside, and Jesus takes your place, that’s love expressed in sacrifice, mercy, and seasoned with heavenly grace

Thank Him for that push because you are now truly alive

Now He wants you to go in His power and truly survive

Lionel Copyright 2017

Monday, October 22, 2018

Lost And Found

The decision of Adam and Eve affected all eternity

Sin entered the world, our enemies conspiracy claimed victory

The pride of life, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eye

Made it certain that all mankind would die

Being our own gods and answering only to each other

Ignoring our creator and hiding under sins cover

God is always there and knows where we are

He is everywhere and sees sins ugly scar

But God had an answer for all we had done

He sent Christ His Son to take all our sin, even though He Himself had none

He loved us so He took all of our sins to the Cross

Then He died and paid our price, now our sins are forever lost

To all them who understand and believe

He took the penalty of death, now eternal life they will receive

The Word of God tells the truth of mankind’s fall

And the Word of truth tells the truth of Christ’s sacrifice then rising from the dead to regain paradise for us all

Read it, believe it, and don’t be left out

Then as God’s daughter or son claim your freedom and give Him a grateful shout

Lionel  Copyright 2017

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

          Leaving and Arriving

I fought the good fight.  I have kept the faith.  I have finished the race.

I am now gone, raised to heaven up where I will see my savior’s face

While I lived I was a witness to His love and grace

I tried to follow His lead and let Him set my pace

His Holy Spirit was always there when I started to get off base

He helped prepare me in and out of season to make His case

When I left a place I could only hope that I left behind His Holy Trace

For I have fought the good fight, I have kept the faith, I have finished my race

Now I see my savior face to face

Lionel  Copyright 2017 

Funeral eulogy 

Monday, September 17, 2018

                    It Is Near

God shall wipe away all our tears God shall put an end to all our fears

There shall be no more sorrow There shall be no end to tomorrow

Former things are passed away Eternity will be here to stay

The sun shall never go down  God’s light will always shine in His town

The Lord will be our eternal light Never again will there be night

The days of mourning will end  On that we can all depend

All believers will be forgiven their iniquity  All  will have His security

He is the beginning of the first born from the dead

We are complete in Him, which is the Head

Never again having to think or live in the past

 Eternity is here and it will last and last and last

The one who deceived us was a liar

He will finally and forever be contained in the lake of fire

God’s Word makes this all very clear

Soon it will happen for Christ’s second coming is very near

Lionel  Copyright 2018

Friday, June 22, 2018

His Loving Discipline Our Loving Fear

The eye of the Lord is upon all who fear Him

He sees everything, His light is never dim

A loving fear that needs to last until our final breathe

For them that fear Him, His mercy delivers their soul from death

He will supply all our needs and that includes the discipline we need for our good

Even if I try hard not to sin, I know that at any time I could

He disciplines us also in a loving way, for only He knows what is best

I might not understand at the time, but I trust He loves me and am being blessed

The Lord is my strength and my shield

Upon the prompting of His Holy Spirit, I try always to yield

But sometimes without thinking I run out into the street after my ball

My emotions overtake me and I ignore my Father’s loving call

So, I am so glad He instructs me in the way I should go

For without His loving discipline it would be dangerous for me to grow

Lionel Copyright 2017

Friday, June 8, 2018

He Is For Us

The gospel of your salvation brings about the revelation

Which is Christ in you the hope of glory

It takes you out of yourself and puts you in His story

You will be clothed with the garments of salvation and a robe of righteousness

Your soul shall be joyful in God and you will become His likeness

The righteousness which is of God by faith in His Son

Nullifies the sin, that in your old life, you thought was fun

When we receive Christ, His spirit becomes our inner guide

Never again, when you hear God’s voice, will you have to hide

Now you can talk to God and He will hear and take away our fears

No more hiding and being afraid for he even wipes away our tears

He will perform great and mighty things through us for His glory and His pleasure

For the scope of His power in us no one can measure

So, let God full you and guide you, just see what he will do through you

Remember, in Christ you are a new creation, all things will become new

Lionel  Copyright 2018

Thursday, May 24, 2018

          Beyond Your Expectations

Don’t allow complacency to keep you in mediocracy

Don’t get comfortable and let life pass you by

Doing nothing but dreaming what you could have been as you look up in the sky

You affect the future by what you do this day

 Get up and move, take a chance and see what God has for you today

Despite your circumstances, don’t just dream but expand your vision

Get up and move, glorify God, get out of your prison

Center yourself around God’s glorious Word and find yourself blessed beyond your expectations.

He will fill you with strength and courage beyond your imaginations

Let Him guard you and keep you in perfect peace

The more you let Him work through you, the more your complacency will cease

You don’t need to be strong on your own because His power is made perfect in our weakness

Don’t be proud and walk above the crowd, walk among them in humility and meekness

Doing all this you will find life will be a success

You will find it will be beyond wonderful even through life’s tribulations and stress

Be thankful to the Lord sing praises unto His name

Praise Him for everything and be thankful that He loved and came

Present your body, a living sacrifice which is our reasonable service

Remember why we are weak, He is strong, so don’t be so nervous

God will give you the gifts that will accomplish His purpose in you

If you are His child, those gifts will be given to you too

Lionel Copyright 2017


Friday, May 18, 2018

A New Hope

There is gloom and despair all over the earth

But there is hope, God sent His Son down and gave Him a human birth

People without hope become involved in sin and despair

They commit murder and adultery, lie ,cheat, and steel, with no hope, they don’t care

When there is not hope, there is no will to live

Looking down in their darkness, they feel they have nothing good to give

We must not look down, but always look up.  Remember Jesus already took your cup

Jesus brings hope to the heart of all who trust and receive

Read His Word and take it into your life and believe, believe, believe

Don’t look down, look up to Him and make your future bright

He will give you a new sense of hope when you live in His light

So, sing oh heavens and be joyful oh earth

Jesus has come and given this troubled world a new birth
Lionel  Copyright 2017

Friday, May 11, 2018

         From Promise to Promise

In the old days when God was found

You dropped to your knees and looked down

Then one-day Mary conceived her blessed son

The old days were finished, and the new days had begun

Many still drop to their knees

But now most don’t look down

They look up to the heavens giving thanks making a glorious sound

That baby grew up and showed mankind God’s way

Most didn’t listen to Him and the world continued its decay

His love was so strong he took all our sins to the cross

He paid our price and those sins became our loss

When he died, they put Him in a cave

Three days later he arose from His grave

He appeared to many for 40 days and 40 nights

Then he rose into the heavens out of our sight

Now if you believe in what Jesus did

He will never ever be hid

He will be with you and be in you

From the inside He will make you new

Lionel Copyright 2017

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Open Your Hands

God gives treasure to all who open their hands and release

One treasure is His pearl of great price, His peace

An exquisitely valuable gift for both the receiver and giver

It requires us to open our hands and give all to Him so he can deliver

He purchased His peace by His Son’s own blood

So open your hands and give Him all your crud

His peace will over take you in the light of His glory

Isn’t it time we received a new and wonderful gift for mankind’s story

The Lord is at hand if you want to receive

Open your hands and give with all your heart and start to believe

Jesus will give you a new day and hopeful tomorrow

Open up and give Him your sin, grief and sorrow

His Word says we always triumph in Christ every time

Be victorious and triumph, don’t commit the enemy’s crime

Take hold of His hand and win

Isn’t that better than where you have been?

God creates winners not flops

Open your hand then grab His and let Him lift you to the top

His peace will be with you and in you forever more

His heavenly riches will surround you, never again will you be poor

Let His peace be with you and go in peace

Living for God, let your sins cease

Lionel copyright 2018

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Believe and Then Live

Do you believe Jesus died for your sins?

Do you believe Jesus died for grief and sorrow?

Do you want a new day and a new tomorrow?

Then give Jesus all your grief and sorrow.

Cast your grief and sorrow upon the Lord and be free.

Let the light of His Word penetrate your darkness so you can see.

Remember the Lord knows how to provide for that which is committed into His Hand.

Receive His Word, take it into your heart, then stand tall and be a Godly woman or man.

Through His Love and Light show the world what God is all about.

Plant His Word in their hearts and watch it sprout.

Finally teach and make disciples of all who believed.

Then it will be their turn to pass on what they have received.

A Godly progression that’s happen for several thousand years.

As His sons and daughters live out His Word each day without fear.            Lionel Copyright 2018

Saturday, March 24, 2018

  An Easter Song

Jesus, when we nailed you to that tree, it didn’t bother me

When we watched you die in agony, it didn’t bother me

When we placed you in that cave to stay, it didn’t bother me

When we sealed the door and went away, it didn’t bother me


From the baby in that stall to His resurrection call


I know now you died for me.  I know now you set me free.

You came in and took my darkness.  You came in and took my lostness.

I NOW SEE,  I NOW SEE   Your sacrifice for me on that tree.

I NOW SEE,  I NOW SEE  I am saved,  I am free for all eternity.

Jesus, Jesus you found me lost.  Jesus, Jesus you paid my cost.

Jesus, Jesus you set me free.  I NOW SEE, I NOW SEE, I NOW SEE.

Jesus, Jesus, you are the King of Kings.

Jesus, Jesus, you are the reason I sing.

Jesus, Jesus, you are a brother and a friend to me.


I will bring glory to you today in what I think, do, see, and say.

I will bring glory to you today in my thankfulness as I pray.

FOR   I now see, I now see, I am saved, I am free.

FOR   I now see, I now see,  you will love me for all eternity.

Jesus, Jesus, you came for me.  Jesus, Jesus, you died for me.

Jesus, Jesus, you set me free.  I NOW SEE, I NOW SEE, I NOW SEE

You love me, You love me, You love me.

Lionel  Copyright 2018


Friday, March 16, 2018

A Child Needs You

Have you ever sponsored a child? 

When you do, your heart will grow more tender and mild.

Over the months and years, you will observe their facial

Expression change.

As you provide month by month helping to get their life


You will receive letters thanking you for all you have done.

They will make you happy, excited, and relieved, seeing their life less stressed as they have more fun.

This allows them to be a child again and dream and play.

Knowing the Lord has sent them an angel to help take care of them each day.

As time moves on, your love for them will grow more and more.

All the love God has given you, you can now give away, isn’t that what love is for?

Someday you might meet them face to face.

Then you can hug each other in a thankful embrace.

Sponsor – give love- make a difference

Lionel Copyright 2017

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Farewell to Pastor Graham, Pastor J. and Pastor Ben

All three passed away this past week

They were strong in the Lord and at the same time quite meek

They left a void here on earth, and at the same time,

Gave Heaven a celebration by their eternal rebirth

They are now receiving their exceedingly great reward, as they entered the presence of the joy of their Lord

There are receiving a crown of glory that will never fade away

An incorruptible crown of righteousness that is there to stay

The Word states the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us

All this because they received Christ and obtained His righteousness

Your family and friends say good-bye for now

We will rejoice with you in heaven someday as our Lord allows

Lionel Copyright 2018

Monday, February 26, 2018

Who Is In Control

Who is the boss of your life anyway?

Do you push God out and tell Him to stay away?

Those questions need to be asked, if you are trying to move forward away from your past.

Perhaps it is time to let God in. 

Perhaps it is time you confessed your sin.

Perhaps it is time you let God win.

Do you know in your heart what your answer should be?

Then humbly as God to come into your life and set you free.

He knows the plans he has for you, and they are good and they are right.

So, move toward God leaving your past far out of sight.

His Holy Spirit will fill you with a new desire.

It will fill your mind and soul, setting your heart on fire.

Then move forward in the power of His strength not yours.

Watch as He directs your life and opens all the right doors.

Now thank Him and praise Him he so loves to hear that glorious sound.

Joining in the earthly chorus of His children singing Hallelujah. “We were lost but now we are found.” Amen!

Lionel Copyright 2017

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Valentine’s Day Poem

They say that love is in the air

Some find it fast, for others it is rare

There is a love that can be received by all

We just need to listen and hear its call

A love more precious than all the diamonds and gold in the ground

Where is that kind of love? Where can it be found?

It is the love of God for all His creation

For each person it is realized when they receive their salvation

His love can be found everywhere and anywhere

It is transferred through His children when they care and when they share

Jesus brought it down and left it in His sisters and brothers

It must be experienced, for it is a love like no other

This Valentine’s Day I hope you hear its call

His love was given for everyone, that includes us all

And remember, love is always in the air when god is there      Lionel   Copyright 2018

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

          What He Has For You

Look up into the sky and count the stars if you can.

With the same power used to create them he used to create man.

Recognize he is God and Let go.

This is His world, he made it and he has control.

So, change that image you have of yourself on the inside.

Stand up tall, receive His power and blessing and never again will you have to hide.

In the light of His presence be receptive to His plan.

He has a divine purpose for every woman and man.

Don’t just keep busy and miss His very best he has for you.

Spend time in prayer asking then listening for what he has for you to do.

He knows exactly what your day will contain with each turn and twist.

He will prepare you for each item that is on His list.

He will open-up each step right before your face.

Praise Him and thank Him, then step forward in His grace.

Remember, when you hold on to the Lord very, very tightly.

Then no good thing will He withhold from them that walk up rightly.

Lionel Copyright 2017

Monday, January 29, 2018

           Waiting My Turn

I sit in the waiting room hearing the cleaning, scraping and drilling

I am anxious, I have never found the dentist’s office very thrilling

I know some things just have to be

I just don’t want them done to me you see

I sit in the chair waiting for the assistant to call my name

I think maybe I should have flossed more, maybe that’s the blame

I hope I can go to sleep and then I won’t worry

I then will wake up, get in my car, and off to my life I will scurry

I know that when I leave, my teeth will be clean and bright

I will then smile more to show how my teeth are so pearly white

I then realize the end probably justifies the means

I have a better attitude now as the assistant scrapes and cleans

I thank God for dentists and all they do

For without them, there would probably be a lot more pain later we would all go through

Lionel  Copyright 2017

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

      These Are The Last Days

The rich will soon stand down

The poor will receive a crown

The world will soon be replaced by the new

All were given a chance but Christ was received by only a few

These are the end times so the change will be soon

It might happen tomorrow at noon or at the next full moon

The Word says to be ready and be awake

For the Lord is coming in the clouds and this world will shake

For His life showed us His sacrifice

His resurrection gave us eternal life

His death gave our sins His forgiveness

Now He is on His throne in His royal dress

We are washed; we are sanctified; we are justified

We are saved by His grace

Receive it freely and then you can put on a victorious face

Lionel  Copyright 2017