Monday, January 29, 2018

           Waiting My Turn

I sit in the waiting room hearing the cleaning, scraping and drilling

I am anxious, I have never found the dentist’s office very thrilling

I know some things just have to be

I just don’t want them done to me you see

I sit in the chair waiting for the assistant to call my name

I think maybe I should have flossed more, maybe that’s the blame

I hope I can go to sleep and then I won’t worry

I then will wake up, get in my car, and off to my life I will scurry

I know that when I leave, my teeth will be clean and bright

I will then smile more to show how my teeth are so pearly white

I then realize the end probably justifies the means

I have a better attitude now as the assistant scrapes and cleans

I thank God for dentists and all they do

For without them, there would probably be a lot more pain later we would all go through

Lionel  Copyright 2017

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

      These Are The Last Days

The rich will soon stand down

The poor will receive a crown

The world will soon be replaced by the new

All were given a chance but Christ was received by only a few

These are the end times so the change will be soon

It might happen tomorrow at noon or at the next full moon

The Word says to be ready and be awake

For the Lord is coming in the clouds and this world will shake

For His life showed us His sacrifice

His resurrection gave us eternal life

His death gave our sins His forgiveness

Now He is on His throne in His royal dress

We are washed; we are sanctified; we are justified

We are saved by His grace

Receive it freely and then you can put on a victorious face

Lionel  Copyright 2017

Saturday, January 13, 2018

                       Let the King Guide You        Lionel Copyright 2018

No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived

What God has prepared for all those who have believed

Kings see differently than we do

So, don’t try to imagine what the King of Kings has instore for you

Its impossible to see through those heavenly gates

Just obey and live His way and see what awaits

 If you aren’t happy with things the way they are,

Then work for Him and see where he takes you, see how far

Trust and believe in Him with all your being

Let Him guide you to places you never thought you would be seeing

Let the light of the knowledge of His Glory shine through your weakness

Let His strength and power show through you, not in pride but in meekness

Let Him guide every step you take

He will give you discernment to know if they are true or fake 

So go and enjoy each and every hour

Let Him guide you and cover you, let Him be your high tower

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

One Nation Under God Again

You know the trouble America is in

You know where we are, and you know where we’ve been

Please don’t turn away and throw your hands in the air

You have tried to guide us since our creation, we know you care

Pick us up one more time so our revival will take place

Give us a chance to turn from our sin and seek your mercy and grace

Your remnant cries out to awake us before it’s too late

Convict our hearts so we will repent and forgive us

So, we can go can go through the narrow gate

Fervently, we pray for your intervention

 As we wait in hopeful expectation

Lord send your Word and Spirit hand in hand

Across this nation so we will understand

Start with those in power and overpower them

So, they will see that your Word has ultimate power and authority

So, they will see your Word will bring peace, love, hope, and victory

May your Word consume all the people, each and everyone

May your Word bring revival to all people each and everyone

May your Word reign over America and its people each and everyone

From the aged to the youth may we read Your Word and find its truth

Don’t give up, Lord, your remnant’s hope is in You

Consume us, revive us, then reign in America again,  make us new

Amen, Amen and Amen       Lionel Copyright 2017