Saturday, February 16, 2019

Passed On To Heaven

Lullaby and good night, it’s time to close your eyes and give up your fight

Soon you will see heaven’s gate and God’s marvelous light

Angel’s in heaven will be standing near

Waving you in as they cheer

You fought the good fight and the battle is won

It is time to enter His Gates and partake in heavenly fun

His love will unfold in the radiance of His Glory

Providing you with an eternal start for the rest of your story

His complete peace will finally be achieved

Because throughout your life you truly believed

It will last forever, time there never ever runs out

Never again will there be tears or pain, never again will you doubt

So, smile and cheer your savior is here

Bask in His radiance, he will now always be near

Lionel Copyright 2018

Friday, February 8, 2019

Our Curse Is Broken

Can you see?  Can you see? 

Christ became a curse for you and me

For cursed is everyone who is hung on a tree

He can now help you break the curses of your past

It will take your perseverance and your willingness, then with His help,

Those cures won’t last

He who is in us is greater than he who is in the world, so give a cheer

As we worship and praise Him, you will feel His power as he draws near

We are more than conquers boldly declare to all

Then watch all those curses disappear one by one as they fall

God takes those dead curses and puts them in the back of his hearse

We are blessed for God won’t allow us to be a curse

They will be carried away never to be found

He is able, for it says the King of Kings on His crown

Trials and tribulations will always be there

But with Christ in you there has never been a stronger pair

With His love, joy, peace and patience you will be sealed

As you accept them with all your heart and mind,

Your soul will become healed

Lionel Copyright 2018