Saturday, September 24, 2016


Seeking more wealth and wanting more toys.

Makes God’s voice a static kind of noise.

Once in a while he manages to get through.

Putting into question what you think you knew.

As you ponder your answer your heart beats more and more.

If he created everything, what does he need me for?

Why does he want me? Why does he care?

I left my Lord after many years.

I didn’t think he would notice, or shed any tears.

I found my old friends and started hanging out.

But in my heart I couldn’t help but dought.

After a while, I stood back and took a long gaze.

Everyone looked like mice running around in a maze.

I ask myself, is this how I wanted to end up?

Should I go back to God, and accept his cup.

I got on my knees and prayed, can I come back now?

Come back to me give up your fight.

My yoke is easy and my burden is light.

My hands are open, I am calling your name.

Get serious about eternity, life isn’t a game.

Come back, come back, become mine again.

I am waiting to forgive all your sin.

But for now, stay on your knees sing your melody.

For all your repentance, is a sweet song to me.

You wandered away, alleluia you came back.

You used my power to break the enemies attack.

Welcome home it’s where you belong.

I wept and prayed while you were gone

Your back, your back.  You are mine again.

For I’m always bigger than your sin.

Now I spend time witnessing to the old gang.

I get laughed at a lot, but on Jesus I hang.

Go back to God, give up your fight..

His yoke is easy and his burden is light.

His hands are open, is he calling your name?

Get serious about eternity life isn’t a game.


Copyright 2014

Saturday, September 17, 2016


Look out world, our God is coming back.

Yes, our God is coming back.

Everything is about to change.

When the moon turns red------ overhead.

Our God is coming back.

When the sun no longer shines----overhead.

Our God is coming back. Watch and pray each day and night.

Spread the Word as fast as light.

Our God is coming back.

When the clouds let out a tremendous shout.

Our God is coming back.

When you hear that trumpet blast there will be no doubt.

Our God is coming back.

Graves will shake and the dead will rise.

Some alive will be lifted up to the skies.

Our God is coming back.

All over the world the deceived come together.

Denying God thinking the enemy is better.

But all will answer before the crown.

Many won’t be found in the book and will be sent down.

 Our God is coming back.

There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

But to those who are his, there is a relief.

Because our God is coming back.

Our hope will become complete.

No more fear, no more defeat.

Our God is coming back.

No more tears, no more pain.

No more waiting, no more chains.

Our God is coming back.

Hallelujah, hallelujah, our hope is secure.

All things will soon become clear.

Heaven and earth will be remade.

All the old ways will start to fade.

Our God is coming back.

He has a plan for you.

Confess and believe you will become brand-new.

Time is short, don’t wait another day.

Things are going to change, hurray.

The saved will shout with joy.

The others will recognize the devils ploy.

The saved have his seal. God is real. God is real.

And he is coming back..

This will all take place soon.

This world will be playing a new tune.

The song of the redeemed will be played.

Then only the children of God will be saved.

It’s all written in God’s book.

Open it up and take a look.

Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, hurray.

It might be tomorrow, it might be today.

Listen    Listen     Listen

What do you hear?

Our God is coming back


Copyright 2015
