Tuesday, May 21, 2019

                  What’s At Stake?

Jesus, Jesus, saved me.  Yes! Jesus, Jesus, saved me.

He took my sins to His cross where He died to pay my cost.

Yes Jesus, Jesus saved me

He rose from the dead and creation began to sing

Oh, death where now is they sting

Yes, Jesus, Jesus saved me

He went back to heaven to intercede

Now He hears my every prayer and knows my every need

Yes, Jesus, Jesus saved me

God so loved us all He sent His Son to save us

He laid down His life and took it up just so we could have forgiveness

I received His Gift into my life now I have eternal life

Yes, Jesus, Jesus saved me

I now tell others what He did for me

I want the whole world to see that Jesus, Jesus saved me

Jesus, Yes, Jesus can save you too

Give Him your sin and let Him come in and make you new

Let Jesus, Yes let Jesus save you

It’s the most important decision you will ever make

Yes, let Jesus save you, your eternity in heaven is at stake

Lionel   Copyright 2017

Friday, May 17, 2019

             Wake Up and Hold On

God’s people wandered in the desert for forty years

Instead of receiving a place of abundance and freedom and crossing over among all the cheers

If we will just keep a right attitude, we won’t wander our lives away like a stiff-necked brood

He expects an attitude of faith and hope

Not living our lives and complaining like some spoiled dope

Try to fit everything into a pattern for good

Grab onto what is holy, pure, and right, letting go of all falsehood

Begin with where you are now in this time and space

Ask Jesus to surround you with His peace, mercy and grace

Let Him guide you through each step of your way

Will you have some troubles, sure, but He will be with you each and every day

Remember, He is above our problems, our pain, and the events that take place

We will rise above our circumstances when we live in His loving embrace

Lionel  Copyright 2018