Thursday, July 21, 2016


Did you know, all heaven is going to break loose,

When Jesus comes back.

All heaven is going to break loose,

When that trumpet sounds.

It will be the end of the old and the start of the new.

You see all heaven is going to break loose.

When Jesus comes back,

Some will be scared, some surprised.

Some will raise their hands up to the skies.

Some will bow down and weep with relief.

Those who are his will be lifted up away from the thief.

All heaven is going to break loose.

We will see our savior face to face.

All heaven is going to break loose.

We will be transported to a different place.

At last, at last we will finally be safe.

All hell will be rounded up, never to bother again.

Time is about up.  This world is about done.  Christ will be coming.

For those who received the Son.

All will be fresh. All will be new.

Jesus is coming back.  Is he here for you?

Or did you fall for the world’s con?

Eternity starts soon so hang on.

Our time of waiting is almost gone.

Victory is in Jesus. Victory is in Jesus.

Throughout eternity he is always the same.

Victory is in Jesus. Victory is in Jesus.

Salvation is found in no other name.

Jesus is coming. Jesus is coming. Watch and pray.

Are you ready for that glorious day?

He is coming. He is coming.

We will be lifted up into the sky.

He is coming. He Is coming.

We will be forever with him. Never again will we die.

Time is almost up. This world is about done. Christ will be coming.

For those who received the Son.

All will be fresh, all will be new.

Jesus is coming back. Is he here for you?

Victory is in Jesus. Victory is in Jesus.

Throughout eternity he is always the same.

Victory is in Jesus. Victory is in Jesus.

Salvation is  found only in his name.

Good-bye          Good-bye    I’m not going to stay.

I am going with my savior soon someday.


Copyright 2014

Monday, July 11, 2016


Fences built of mercy and towers built of grace.

Surround this temple after salvation takes place.

You wrapped your arms around us with a passionate embrace.

Where ever we are now, drops of love leave a trace.

Changed now, the world doesn’t recognize we are free.

You’re taking your time, washing the dirt off us, gently.

Were changed----now we read and pray each day.

Were changed--- we have a new boss and new pay.

Were changed--- all things have become new.

Were changed--- we now see life differently too.

Were changed--- life isn’t all about us and stuff.

Were changed--- we now know why Jesus died for us.

Fences of mercy and towers of grace.

Show God’s loving embrace.

A chosen people being empowered at God’s own pace.

Given a new job were seated in Christ.

Into the true vine we are spliced.

Compassion for the lost now overwhelms our soul

We give our time and money.

To places we’ve never heard of before.

And when the days done we wish we could do more.

For at every turn we encounter the poor.

Were changed--- we see through different eyes now.

Were changed--- we know all things are possible with God.

Were changed--- at the end of the day we sleep in peace.

Were changed--- we know everything will work out according to his plan.

Were changed--- we know both

The Son of God and the Son of Man.

Jesus, we thank you for loving us all.

Jesus, we thank you for loving us all.               

Jesus, we thank you for loving us all.

For making us a temple for the living God.

In Jesus’ name   Amen


Copyright 2014

Thursday, July 7, 2016


Riding my jet ski, going real high.

Making big waves, so I can fly.

No cares at all just along I race.

Then a boat appears in my space.

Crash I fly over the top.

I wake up in a room.

Can’t feel my legs or talk.

In an instant life can change.

In an instant tragedy can hit.

God sees it all; He’s already made a savings call.

He sent his son to change the world.

He sent his son to change your life.

In an instant your life can change.

In an instant you can answer God’s call, so be smart.

For all life is a tragedy without Jesus filling your heart.

Driving down the road in my ride,

Playing with my new iPhone 5 beaming with pride.

I’m reading a text, it doesn’t take long.

I look up; I’m in the wrong lane.

A loud noise and I’m filled with pain.

I wake up in a room where I lie.

Hearing voices say “oh dear God please don’t let her die”.

In an instant life can change.

In an instant tragedy can be hit.

God sees it all; He’s already made a savings call...

He sent his son to change the world.

He sent his son to change your life.

In an instant your life can change.

 In an instant you can answer God’s call, so be smart.

For all life is a tragedy without Jesus filling your heart.

Some are born into tragedy.

Others create their own.

It doesn’t matter if you are on the phone, or on your jet ski.

If you don’t have Jesus, that is the real tragedy.

No matter if you are imprisoned in a body that’s racked with pain.

Or imprisoned in a body that doesn’t move, driving you insane.

Curses to blessings, good out of bad.

Christ will deliver, no matter how sad.

Praise God for his goodness.

Praise God for his grace.

Let Christ in that’s why he came.

To him we are all the same.

Encounter Jesus in your desolate place.

Say yes in your heart, receive his grace.

We need Jesus to be saved.

We need the son of God.

Come in Jesus change my life.

Make it a victorious one.

Tragedy into victory, that’s God’s way.

Once you let God in, he is there to stay

Bow your head and to Jesus say.

 I believe and receive you today.

You will never regret the choice you made.

Especially after your life starts to fade.

We need Jesus to be saved.         3X

We need the son of God.

Come in Jesus change my life.                            

Make it a victorious one.


Copyright 2014