Wednesday, August 28, 2019


At His command the waves became calm

At His command the sick were healed by a Holy balm

He offered living water to the woman at the well

He offered words of life with the parables He would tell

He had them tell John the dead were raised and the blind could see

He had them tell John in His own words it is really me

The Pharisees saw all He had done and still didn’t believe

The ones who hear what He has done are forgiven as they repent and receive

How can it be He preached love and peace instead of war

How can it be when one hears or reads His Word they can turn away and not want more

When we leave this world, there is only one question we will be asked

When we appear before God, He will see through everyone’s mask

Then every knee will bow, and tongue will confess

Then all who believe will finally arrive at God’s wonderful address

Lionel Copyright 2017

Monday, August 19, 2019

                 Being Filled

Invite the Lord in to have His way

Invite the Holy Spirit into your life to stay

This is done by making God your deepest desire

Then let His Holy Spirit set your life on fire

Surrendering to Him is a definite must

His Holy Spirit will become more powerful in you the larger your faith and the more you trust

Trying to make it through life all on your own

Even though you succeed for a while, in the end you will find you are all alone

God has a definite plan and has His work for you to do

Ask each day for the filling of His Holy Spirit and then enjoy what He can do through you

Be awed by the power and the glory of His Spirit within

With the Holy Spirit residing in you, your live will be a win win

Lionel   Copyright 2017