Thursday, November 3, 2016


As I watch T.V. I see they are raising money for St. Jude’s.

Could I ask you a question God, if it wouldn’t be rude?

Why do children have to die?

I know they are lifted right up in the sky.

And that gives comfort to me.

But when they get sick, are abused, or are in such agony.

War, disease or famine it’s all the same.

Anything that stops their life is a shame.

Why can’t their lives be full of fun, like a game?

Everyday full of excitement different but in reality all the same.

Oh my.  Why do little kids have to die?

Sometimes you provide a miracle, sometimes you don’t.

Your ways are not our ways.

For my way would let them all get old.

Your ways are pure, right and just.

My heart says no, but my mind says trust.

But I still need to ask, why do the little kids have to die?

I know our sin brings war, sickness and disease.

So, technically, kids are everyone’s responsibility.

The serpent tricked; the apple was picked.

We believed the lie; now we all must die.

All we, like sheep, have gone astray.

All have turned to their own way.

Arise from your sorrow.

God gives a second chance for our tomorrows.

His son died, so if we believe,

Then eternal life he lets all receive.

Children are taken straight up when they die.

Someday we will be all lifted on high.

When they pass on, there is sadness here.

But up in heaven the angels cheer!

They are received with open arms; freed from all that harms.

Why do little children have to die?

That’s up to you, God; your wisdom fills the sky.

Through life or death, thick or thin;

Our job is to keep the faith; so ultimately, we will win.

You take all there tragedy and throw it away.

You watch your children playing on streets of gold each day.

Thank you Lord they are all safe with you.

Sitting on your lap, first one then two.

LIONEL         Copyright 2014

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