Monday, November 25, 2019


My quiet voice says, come to me all who are mine

Don’t be deceived by your enemies one more time

My holy whispers of love are inviting you to draw near

Filling you with love, joy, peace, and strength as it casts out all fear

I continually call you to closeness with me

I can feel your emptiness as you wonder away you see

Come to me and open yourself to my loving presence so I can feel you

Giving you all you need to accomplish what I want you to do

You are the light of the world, the children of the day

Go out and do my work, receive your heavenly pay

When you get tired, weary and weak remember, I do my best work

With the humble and the meek

It is not by your might or power

It is by my spirit that you grow and blossom into a beautiful flower

Come to me, I am yours for all eternity

I will sift you and fill you with my purity

Come to me, I am the one who is and was and is to come

I died for everyone, not just for some

Come to me, I am the same yesterday, today and forever

Once you receive my love, I will never leave you, no never

Come to me

Lionel  Copyright 2017

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