Saturday, April 20, 2019


His mercy picks us up when we fall on our side

He puts us on His wings like an eagle and takes us on his ride

He leads us through life according to His holy plan

As you glorify Him always having a hold of his hand

Have patience, your victory will soon arrive

God is always with you, you will survive

It could be in a year or it could be tomorrow

God is at work arranging an end to your sorrow

So, keep your faith strong and remember hope is a must

God is in charge and in His timing you must trust

Lionel  copyright 2018

Monday, April 8, 2019

                          Your Choice to Make

    HATE    HATE    HATE

I hate that word.

Love your enemies and do good to them.

Haven’t you heard, it will go well with you then?

For love conquers all, the small and the tall.

Let all situations cause you to grow.

Remember you always reap what you sow.

Go in the power of the Lord with a smile on your face.

Do it all for God’s glory with His covering of grace.

This old world has enough sadness without all that hate.

So, let God’s love fill you, opening-up your souls suborn gate.

Your life will change, the minute you start.

In fact, you will feel great.

So, let love in.  Let it be your soulmate, not all that hate.

Lionel copywrite   2017