Saturday, March 24, 2018

  An Easter Song

Jesus, when we nailed you to that tree, it didn’t bother me

When we watched you die in agony, it didn’t bother me

When we placed you in that cave to stay, it didn’t bother me

When we sealed the door and went away, it didn’t bother me


From the baby in that stall to His resurrection call


I know now you died for me.  I know now you set me free.

You came in and took my darkness.  You came in and took my lostness.

I NOW SEE,  I NOW SEE   Your sacrifice for me on that tree.

I NOW SEE,  I NOW SEE  I am saved,  I am free for all eternity.

Jesus, Jesus you found me lost.  Jesus, Jesus you paid my cost.

Jesus, Jesus you set me free.  I NOW SEE, I NOW SEE, I NOW SEE.

Jesus, Jesus, you are the King of Kings.

Jesus, Jesus, you are the reason I sing.

Jesus, Jesus, you are a brother and a friend to me.


I will bring glory to you today in what I think, do, see, and say.

I will bring glory to you today in my thankfulness as I pray.

FOR   I now see, I now see, I am saved, I am free.

FOR   I now see, I now see,  you will love me for all eternity.

Jesus, Jesus, you came for me.  Jesus, Jesus, you died for me.

Jesus, Jesus, you set me free.  I NOW SEE, I NOW SEE, I NOW SEE

You love me, You love me, You love me.

Lionel  Copyright 2018


Friday, March 16, 2018

A Child Needs You

Have you ever sponsored a child? 

When you do, your heart will grow more tender and mild.

Over the months and years, you will observe their facial

Expression change.

As you provide month by month helping to get their life


You will receive letters thanking you for all you have done.

They will make you happy, excited, and relieved, seeing their life less stressed as they have more fun.

This allows them to be a child again and dream and play.

Knowing the Lord has sent them an angel to help take care of them each day.

As time moves on, your love for them will grow more and more.

All the love God has given you, you can now give away, isn’t that what love is for?

Someday you might meet them face to face.

Then you can hug each other in a thankful embrace.

Sponsor – give love- make a difference

Lionel Copyright 2017

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Farewell to Pastor Graham, Pastor J. and Pastor Ben

All three passed away this past week

They were strong in the Lord and at the same time quite meek

They left a void here on earth, and at the same time,

Gave Heaven a celebration by their eternal rebirth

They are now receiving their exceedingly great reward, as they entered the presence of the joy of their Lord

There are receiving a crown of glory that will never fade away

An incorruptible crown of righteousness that is there to stay

The Word states the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us

All this because they received Christ and obtained His righteousness

Your family and friends say good-bye for now

We will rejoice with you in heaven someday as our Lord allows

Lionel Copyright 2018