Saturday, June 24, 2017

                                               I Don’t

I know your attractions and desires are different from mine

And I know you think that’s just fine, but I don’t

Some lie cheat or steal and make it their life

They think it’s just fine to bring sadness and strife, but I don’t

I don’t because I care for you

I don’t because I want what is best for you

I love you without partiality

I love you despite your personality

Because I know where you have been

I hate only your sin

But I do want you to feel my love and move closer to me

To search yourself and recognize without me where would you be

I offer a way out from your current path

Believe me and receive me then you will escape my wrath

I am coming back very soon all the heavens and earth will shake

I am coming back very soon don’t be left behind for your sake

Secure your place in eternity with me now

Ask my son Jesus into your heart, do you know how?

Jesus, I believe what your word said you did

I confess I am a sinner and ask your forgiveness

I give you my body, soul and mind

Your word says redemption is now mine

Thank you, my God, my Savior, my King

I am now your son and I thank you for everything

Say these words from your heart

And then I will give you a new start                                                Lionel Copyright 2016

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

                             Patience and Healing

God why don’t you heal all your children’s bodies and minds

That would be wonderful, so helpful and kind

Have you turned your face from us and ignored our pain

From where I sit that is not progress and definitely of no gain

Your Word says you are always there and we are always in your sight

Your Word says you are compassionate, long suffering, and always right

So, I can’t help but believe that you are allowing our suffering for a reason

And that our conditions are allowed by you for a season

Your Word states that Christ learned obedience through His suffering and strife

He was an example of how it will be in our life

We learn patience as You build character in us as we wait for your compassion and direction

As we grow one step closer to looking like Christ and our perfection

For you know the depth and breadth of our weakness

Your power flows freely into weak ones aware of their neediness and meekness

So I will take each day living in the power of you might

Knowing it isn’t me but Christ in me who has taken over my fight

So thank you for all you have done and all you are going to do

For my hope, faith and trust will always be in you

Lionel  Copyright 2017

Thursday, June 1, 2017

                        God’s Adventure for Us

I in Him and Him in me

Growing as He planned for all to see

That’s my plan until He takes me

Hey you, I was once like you

I was an unbeliever, too

I carried my sin with me

Most times it was in plain sight for all to see

At other times, I put on a mask

Depending on the day and the task

Father I am thankful you sent Christ

It scares me to think back on my life

I in Him and Him in me

Growing as He planned for all to see

That’s my plan until he takes me

Spending every hour enjoying my sin each day

What a waste of life not living your way

You sent Jesus to come and take it all

You sent your Holy Spirit, I now stand tall

No matter the cost I am yours until death

I will praise you with my final breath

I in Him and Him in me

Growing as He planned for all to see

That’s my plan until He takes me

In my heart I have you forever, ever, ever

Will I ever let you go? Never, never, never

Never, never, never will I let go of you

Never, never, never will you let go of me

A child of God no more heart of stone

I belong to Him and Him alone

I in Him and Him in me

Growing as He planned for all to see

That’s my plan until he takes me

Lionel      Copyright 2016