Tuesday, January 24, 2017


They took him down from His cross.

They laid him on the ground.

They put species on him and wrapped him all around.

They carried him to a tomb where they laid him down.

They sealed him in so later he could be found.

They all went home gathered and prayed.

They couldn’t believe what had happened that day.

Early Sunday morning two ladies went to the tomb.

And Angel ask who are you looking for?

Our master is here in this grave.

No he isn’t he has been saved.

He has survived he is alive.

He rose, the stone was rolled away.

He rose, the tomb was empty that day.

He did what he said, he rose from the dead.

He showed others that he was alive, that he had been revived.

40 days he stayed with them, reaffirming his Royal Diadem.

Then he returned to glory.

But that’s not the end of His story.

He will return.      He will return.

He has done away with the penalty of our sin.

He will return.    He will return.

He will then collect all that belongs to him.

He will return.    He will return.  Be prepared watch and pray.

It might be tomorrow, it might be today.

He is alive.   He is alive. He watches over all.

So be prepared for his returning call.

 A shout from an Angel, then a trumpet blast.

You can’t change your mind, it will happen so fast.

So spread his light at every opportunity.

Praying they will be changed miraculously.

It’s the most important decision you will ever make.

For your body, mind, and soul eternity is at stake.

He lived, he died, he rose, and he will come back soon.

Be prepared watch and pray.

He might come tomorrow, or it might happen today.

Mankind’s passage to heaven is now secure.

Just believe and receive Jesus, let go of your fear.

LIONEL        Copyright 2016

Wednesday, January 11, 2017


Does this world still trIck you into its pleasures and fun?

Or are you in it to witness to some?

That decision God leaves up to you.

When you wake up, do you sing praises to your King?

Or is your song one that you shouldn’t sing?

That decision God leaves up to you.

God didn’t create us to be puppets on his string.

We are created for His purpose and sing praises to your King.

Decisions, it’s so hard to decide.

Unless, unless the Lord lives inside.

That decision God leaves up to you.

It’s up to us the road we take and the turns we make.

Most lead away from God and turn out to be fake.

We are deceived by our pride, ego and lust.

Those decisions God tells us not to trust.

The world wants to change you to be more like it.

God wants to change you to be more like him.

So what is true, right and pure?

Is it God or the world I should hear?

God leaves that decision up to each of us.

My vote went to God for my life’s story.

Ever since then, he has used me for his glory.

Decisions--- decisions--- decisions

Should I stay or should I go?

Decisions--- decisions--- decisions

Should I buy it or should I let go?

Decisions--- decision--- decisions

Should I see it or should I not?


God leaves them for each of us to make.

Remember God wants to help you for your sake.

Let God in, let him help you choose.

That way when it’s all over, you won’t lose.

Who would you trust, yourself or God?


Copyright  2015

Monday, January 2, 2017


Jesus loves us don’t you know.

He will never ever let us go.

He died to pay the price for all.

He said yes to his Father’s call.

He took our sins to the cross.

Forever gone, forever lost.

He was buried and rose again in three days.

Forever alive not just a passing phase.

Eternal life instead of death from our fall.

If and only if you say yes to his call.

Oh, how much Jesus loves!   3x.      The Bible tells us so.

You sent your Holy Spirit to take your place.

So all experience your love and your grace.

You sit at the right hand of your father now.

Praying for us as only you know how.

You made it possible for all to go.

Just open your heart to him and let it flow.

Believe and receive what he did for you.

Then feel that refreshing through and through.

Isn’t it time for you to decide?

Step forward and give Jesus all your pride.

Oh, how Jesus loves us!      3x      The Bible tells us so.

He is coming back and very soon the Bible states.

Get prepared to enter heavens gates.


Copyright 2016