Monday, February 29, 2016

Prayer for Billings

Sovereign God, creator of all there is

Unite your churches as one and let it be a center of prayer, of holiness, of unity, of peace

Give your church boldness to speak your Word in love

As people become aware of their sin, make us ready for your Word to find its way in

Give us courage to be in the center of your Will.

Perform signs, wonders and miracles so people will have no doubt it is you.

Take us out of ourselves and fill us with your Holy Spirit fresh and new.

Put your angels around this city and let no evil in.

Send your army to cut and clear out the sin.

Break these strongholds of evil so that you can have a harvest of souls.

Convict all your children in Billings to pray for that goal.

Holy Spirit shine your light on these and other areas of darkness.

Expose them for what they are and make them lifeless.

Lord may you be glorified in Billings.

Lord may you be praised in Billings.

We pray for revival for Billings.

May this city be known for its faithfulness to You,

Through the redemption of your Blood.

We claim this city for the Lord.

We claim this city for the Lord.

We claim this city for the Lord.

Let Billings walk in the realm of your glory

Pour out your Spirit over Billings

By the power of your Word, your Blood, your Cross, your Spirit
in Jesus name!  


Copyright 2015

Friday, February 26, 2016

It's Okay

It’s Okay

Go ahead and pray

Everything will be okay

Will it turn out the way you want

That’s up to God but probably not

Pray from your heart

It’s not what you say

He hears and applies it to his will

Because that’s God’s way

His ways are not ours

So, Let go and let God empower

Even though you cry out all night

God’s promise

Joy will come at daylight

Our faith may be

Small as a mustard seed

Claim his promises

And on his word feed

Our faith can move mountains you see

So, go ahead and pray fervently

Our eyes see

What is right in front of our face

We look selfishly

And hope for his grace

His eyes see throughout eternity

They see what must be

So, go ahead and pray

Everything will be okay


Copyright 2012

Wednesday, February 17, 2016


Hello emptiness you’ve become my friend

You’ve been with me since I’ve began

Your seed was planted at my birth

It made me question what I was worth

Self- condemning became my focused goal

Even thoughts of suicide reached my soul

So, I cried out into space

Someone take me from this place

The words of a Psalm flashed in my mind

Saying, you are uniquely made and one of a kind

Created by God in complete love

So, when it comes to push and shove

He’ll take you out of the place your in

If you believe and trust in Him

I cried out again this time from my heart

I told Him I trust and believe

Give me a fresh start

My life was turned around

I was lost but now I am found

Cry out to Jesus from your need

He will plant in you a holy seed

The emptiness that became your friend

Will be replaced with a savior upon whom you can depend

Cry out to the risen one

He hears our cries

Cry out to the risen one

He will always come

Cry out to the risen one

He is His Father’s Holy Son   

Copyright 2012

Friday, February 12, 2016

                                  For Us                                              

Love conquered fear

Forgiveness miraculously appeared

Sins are confessed

Forgiveness is secured

Release is achieved

Guilt is gone

Freedom is received

This is what God has done

This is what God has done

For us

He sent His son He took our sin

He died for us

He paid the cost

He rose again

He proved them wrong

He conquered death

He offers life

This is what God has done

This is what God has done

For us

His love came first

As grace flowed down

His love came first

In mercy we drown

His love came first

To all in need

His love came first

On His word to feed

For he came to show us the way

For us he died to take our sins away

For us He rose and intercedes for us

All that’s left to believe and trust

This is what God has done

This is what God has done

For us

Receive His word, receive His love

Confess your sin, believe and trust

Let His mercy, let His grace

Renew us, renew us

For us he came, lived and died

For us He now resides at His Father’s side

Leaving it up to us to decide

Whether we are renewed or go down in pride

Love conquered fear

Forgiveness miraculously appeared

Sins are confessed

Forgiveness is secured

Release is achieved

Guilt is gone

Freedom is received

Receive His word, receive His love

Confess your sin, believe and trust

Let His mercy, let His grace

Renew us, renew us

This is what God has done

This is what God has done

For us

Copyright 2012

Thursday, February 4, 2016


Together once more, it’s been a long time.

I’m sorry I left, but the world seemed so fine.

It saddens me now, how I was so easily deceived.

I’m ready to come back;

I see you are there waiting for me.

My heart had been broken;

I found false joy everywhere.

The love I searched for turned out not to be there.

It saddens me now, how I was so easily deceived.

I am ready to come back;

I see you are there waiting for me.

Your love, joy, and peace, I ‘m ready to receive.

They are free to all, if they truly believe.

I ‘m coming back to you, I see your arms opened wide.

I humbly bow and repent of my pride.

It saddens men now, how I was so easily deceived.

I’m ready to come back;

I see you are there waiting for me.

He is waiting for you just like he waited for me.


Copyright 2012