Wednesday, December 30, 2015


Sin sin sin your rule is over.

God has declared war on our sin.

Jesus our savior was sent.

That trumpet charge sounded.

Christ led the way.

With weapons of love in his hands.

Love led the way and took its stand.

Love was victorious.  Love wins wars.

He came down to suffer for mankind.

He came down to show the correct way.

He came down not with a sword or shield.

He turned down wrath in favor of love.

In favor of love, he change places with us.

In favor of love, he was glad to die for us.

We are so flawed, Christ had to die.

We are so loved, with joy he was lifted up high.

He turned down wrath in favor of love.

In favor of love, I’m humbled out of my pride.

In His love I now take my stride.

In favor of love, I no longer live in fear.

Sin is no longer a red smear.

Wounded for our transgressions.

Bruised for our iniquities.

The chastisement of our peace was upon him.

The just for the unjust.

That he might bring us to God.

He turned down wrath in favor of love.

Forgiveness, justice and love have won.

Good news for the world has come.

Join the fellowship of the Father, Holy Spirit and Son.

Their release of love all wrapped up in one.

Speak out loud the marriage vows.

Say yes to their offer of love now.

Reclaiming our souls not with a spear or a sword.

Reclaiming His possession with an attack of love.

He came down to suffer for mankind.

He came down to show the correct way.

He came down not with sword and shield.

He turned down wrath in favor of love.

Love your God with all your heart.

Love your neighbor as yourself.

Love your enemies and pray for them.

Attack life with weapons of love in your hands.

We are all so flawed Christ had to die.

We are all so loved with joy was lifted up high.

Attack life with the thoughts you think.

Attack life with the words you speak.

Attack life with the deeds that you do for Him.

Attack life with weapons of love in your hands.

We were created in His image.

We were created in love.


Copyright 2013


Saturday, December 26, 2015


Your love is always chasing me.

Your love is always trying to catch up to my sin.

Your love is always chasing me.

Trying to grab my heart and let you in.

I’ve tried so hard to elude your voice.

I’ve stayed away from your church by choice.

I’ve been told all my life your love isn’t really true.

It’s just a myth to give people a false hope in you.

But now I hear your love knocking at my door.

A gentle voice saying open, I’ll give you more.

Should I give in or remain on my throne.

That decision you leave up to me alone.

I opened my door and felt you come in.

Your love finally caught up to my sin.

Your love grabbed my soul and set it free.

The same love that was nailed to the tree.

It took over my shame and gave me a fresh new start.

Your love came in and took over my heart.

Your love has breathed new life in me.

I feel all clean, I’ve been set free.

Your love was always chasing after me.

Thank you Lord, it didn’t just leave me be.

Your love is real and your love is true.

I’ve been born of your spirit, I am now brand new.

Hallelu    Hallelu    Hallelu

I now live for you.


Copyright 2013




                                I was lost.

I didn’t know what to do.

Then your love broke through.

It came rushing in.

It rose higher and higher.

I was not afraid.

My spirit was on fire.

As you watered that seed you planted long ago.

Your light filled my mind.

I started to grow.

You feed my heart.

You saturated my soul.

I was being remade.

I felt alive and whole.

Lord I’m starting to look a lot like you.

For all who are lost and don’t know what to do.

Send your love Lord.

Break down their walls.

Water their souls.

Feed their hearts.

Shine your light, so they can grow.

Humble and confident looking just like you.

Though we resist.

Don’t let us rest.

Your desire is for our very best. 

Change us through and through,

Reborn, alive and new.

For all of us who are lost and don’t know what to do.

Send your love Lord.

Break down our walls.

Water our souls.

Feed our hearts.

Shine your light so we can grow,

Humble and confident looking just like you.

Copyright 2015

The Perfect Christmas Gift

The Perfect Christmas Gift

Christmas is almost here

The Son of Man draws near

His Father's gift to this earth

All depend on the virgin's birth

Some see Christmas as a  busy time of the year

They might not purchase the right gifts, leaves them in fear

The right gift gives happiness and joy

To a child that might be just the right toy

The Father gave the perfect gift for us all

Jesus the Son of mankind lying in a stall

When Jesus died, he paid for and took all of our sin

But don't worry, when the time is right He is coming back again

All who takes Christmas and makes it all about Him

Will be lifted up in the air with a really, really big grin.


Copyright 2015